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Get Involved
Donations play a vital role in our ability to offer exciting, fresh, and innovative classes for Alchemia artists.  By donating, you take an active role in supporting the arts, one artist at a time!
Support the Arts
Alchemia thrives on our relationships with the community. Part of our ability to cultivate an inclusive environment relies on creative partnerships with local businesses, community groups, and dedicated sponsors.
Community partners help us provide opportunities to Alchemia artists by sponsoring events, commissioning art, and hosting art in their businesses.
If you are interested in becoming a Community Partner, please contact:
Elizabeth Clary, Executive Director 
Interested in sharing your expertise with our program? Alchemia volunteers help us to shine by sharing their skills, talents, and connections. Alchemia has a number of volunteer positions that range from occasional assistance at our events to regular positions in our retail gallery. If you would like to learn more about the volunteer openings we have available, please contact:
Elizabeth Clary, Executive Director

Sonoma County

Liz Jahren, Artistic Director
707.978.3229 ext 101

Marin County

415.897.2222 ext 200

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© 2020 Alchemia


Alchemia Gallery
111 Kentucky St.
Petaluma, CA.

Liz Jahren, Artistic Director

707.978.3229 ext 101

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